Montag, 3. September 2012

Blog award

- Please vote for Conny's travel blog

Moorea 2012

Update - the winner is:

1. 1433 votes
2.  650 votes
3. 1250 votes. 

Thanks a lot for your voting! 

Update -  After all the travel blogs in the final selection will have had time to mobilize their friends and fans, now the jury will decide, who really wrote the best travel blog 2012. Click here to see the jury.

The Criteria for selection are: Overall layout / construction, artwork, text quality and treatment issues, interactivity with the reader and added value to the reader.

Update 11.09.2012 - I am nominated on 6th Position - may the best blog will win!

Update 07.09.2012 - Head-to-head race for the 4th Position - Pole position is far away - to be hitting 548 votes. The next participant is close at hand - he has 181 votes - one more than me. The next hurdle is 238 votes. So please vote strongly - 1 x day will going. However you have problems with the security code - please do not despair.

My blog has been
recommended from someone unknown to the Blog Award from Thank you very much Mr. Unknown!  

So up to the 10 th september 2012 I need many votes as possible to be nominated.
I am looking forward to your votes. Here you are welcome to vote or just click on the subscriber button.

Important is, at the end of the list you have to put in the security code (captcha code) and click on "Jetzt abstimmen".

Many thanks in advance. 

To action: At the proposal stage of 14.08.2012 to 10.09.2012 you can vote for the participating travel blogs. Blogs that have received the most votes in this period, has been nominated as favorites and go into "voting countdown". That means, from 11.09.2012 to 18.09.2012, the participating blogs can once again mobilizing all friends and fans of their travel blogs and go "fishing" for votes. 

If you have it, the badge will automatically switch on your blog from "participants" to "nominated". The number of votes goes to 50% in the final result. (Source )  

Conny is fishing
German version

Best wishes and have a nice day
Constanze Hoffmann

1 Kommentar:

  1. I am on the 10 th position with a follower and need a lot of votes to the next step.

    Update - Stand 05.09.2012 10:49 h
    11. 101 19.08.2012
    10. 116 31.08.2012
    09. 134 18.08.2012
    08. 135 15.08.2012
    07. 137 16.08.2012 www.kerstinunddomiunterwegs
    06. 159 17.08.2012
    05. 174 02.09.2012
    04. 179 14.08.2012
    03. 416 24.08.2012
    02. 420 18.08.2012 dresden-reise-elbflorenz
    01. 491 14.08.2012
